Saturday, July 26, 2008

Me Organised? Yes Indeed!

Well, two weeks down on my teaching prac 4 and I feel fantastic! During the weeks approaching my prac and internship I became quite stressed just thinking about the HUGE task that lay ahead of me…10 weeks in the classroom being judged and reported on by another person!!! How was I ever going to survive or cope? I new that this was going to have to be a task for my Heavenly Father, because I certainly lacked the strength or courage to do it. And, sure enough…He has prevailed!

My teacher has been absolutely wonderful and understands the fact that I am only learning, which is such a blessing. After each lesson we discuss how it went and she gives me verbal feedback. I was honestly not expecting the feedback to be as encouraging and supportive as it has been. Each and everyday I have been gaining confidence and I absolutely cannot wait to teach in my own classroom. Often by the end of the day my head is brewing with different things that I would like to do when I have my own classroom. I never anticipated having so much enthusiastic energy for teaching. When I first started my uni course, I only did it as a step of obedience. But now I am grateful for having been so obedient towards my Father in Heaven. I could never have anticipated enjoying it as I am right now.

But, not only am I enjoying this experience and desperately holding on until I get my own classroom to teach in, but I am learning so much and being stretched in every which direction! I have always desired to be organised and a forward planner, but never been very successful at it. No matter how much tried in the past, I have always been a last minute girl - and a very stressed one at that! No matter how hard I tried to get my uni assignments organised and in on time, they were always left until the last minute, no matter how hard I tried to plan Sunday school lessons before Sunday - they were always a Sunday morning thing. However, God knew what He was doing when He placed me with my mentor teacher. She honestly is the most organised person and teacher the world has ever seen! Each and every day I am amazed at how she operates - and how she has been able to maintain it for so long.

This has been wonderful for me, as it has caused me to pick up my act and work really hard to get myself one week ahead - AT LEAST! We have pretty much got the term organised already, we only have a few minor details still to go. And, even though I am absolutely exhausted from being up late (or should I say early) every night of the week - at least I am organised and not stressed to the max, trying to get things done at the last minute. My personal life is even becoming more organised - which I thank God for VERY much (and am sure that my friends do as well!!!). I am learning how to prioritise my tasks and to be self disciplined with my time. Each afternoon I right myself a task list, and then prioritise my tasks. The tasks that need to heaviest thinking (e.g lesson plans for tomorrow or creating task sheets) are on the top of the list and are preceded by tasks such as reflections, organising my uni folder or responding to personal mail. At least by the end of the night I know that I have the main things complete and then can go to bed and possibly get up early enough to get the other things completed. It has also meant that I have left recreational activities, such as blogging, to the weekends and AFTER I have completed everything else that I need to. Man, it feels so good!!

Well, on that note. I best be getting off here and on with those other small things need doing before the Monday Madness!

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