Saturday, March 14, 2009

Painting god’s picture of eternity

Looking back since the last time I wrote a blog really helps me to see how quickly time goes. It is no secret, however, that we are here on earth for only a very short space of time. Some days I only wish it were longer, whereas, other days I wish I could go home to be with my Savior right now – and just leave the cares of this world. Right now I feel like the latter. Even though I absolutely love my very first year of teaching, I am finding things in my personal life quite difficult and tiresome.

As I went through some pictures to choose which one would be most appropriate for this blog, I came across this picture. As soon as I saw this picture, I knew it was the one. It’s piercing bright white lights set against the deep blue background of a crisp night sky, caught my attention immediately. I knew that there was more to this picture than the bright white lights speeding endlessly through time. I knew there was an analogy that could help me explain the way one views time and existence.

If you look closely at the picture you will most like see the following
- White lights speeding across a road
- Orange lights speeding across a road
- Road markings
- Deep navy blue background

But if you look at it again, maybe you might see the following:
- Lights brighter than others
- Lights that run into each other
- Lines that start and stop
- Turns that impact all of the lights

What this meant to me was:
- Some people live brighter lives than others
- Some people live shorter lives than others
- We all experience ups and downs, turns and winding roads
- Some of our lives cross

I know that I want my life to be one of those bright lights that attracted my attention when I first saw that picture. I know that when God looks over humanity at the light trails of our lives, I want my life to be one of those bright lights that he sees first; that lights up the darkness; that makes the picture worth looking up.

But how do I get that life? Taking every opportunity to tell others about His glory and goodness. Living my life in synch with his Holy Spirit – EVERYDAY. Concerning about other’s and not myself. Making the small moments count toward eternity.

Hope this helps.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

How true! Now we just need to figure out how God intended our lives to be. Shine in the path you were given!