Sunday, June 15, 2008

Getting Serious About God

Over the last couple of days God has been speaking to me about some very real topics that I would love to share with you. It’s about “Getting Serious About God”. For a long time now I have desired to change. I have wanted to be a strong woman of God and I ultimately new that one day I would be. Ever since I first committed my life to Christ, I envisaged myself being a powerful woman of God – set and ready to accomplish any task He had for me. The trouble was, I could see the finish line, but really didn’t know how to get there – a common trait among many Christians, I fear! So, for the past three years I have battled my way through many trials and challenges, experiencing some refreshing times of freedom, but then back into fight my way through the battle. And that brings me to right about now.

At this point in my life, I feel as though I am not where I should be in Christ. Even though I have ultimately desired to become like Christ, I have made some pretty poor decisions and committed copious amounts of sins, that I believe I could have easily fought off. But I didn’t – and, just the other day I asked God why. A VERY VERY bad question – but I did!

As I sat in the Church last Sunday morning our Pastor spoke about Christian conduct and how, being a Christian allows us to do something’s, but not all things. It calls us to different way of life. Elementary stuff I know – but as he spoke it, the words sunk deep unto my being. I knew that my way of life hadn’t set me apart from those that are in the world. Even though I was a Christian, I still had stayed in the room when swearing was blasting on the TV screen, I had sat in conversations when people had been speaking about topics and issues that I did not believe in – too afraid to speak up. I had not spoken up when I saw something that hurt my spirit or Jesus’ spirit and had not defended His name when others blasphemed Him. Even though many of these are only small, seemingly insignificant things, I know that they hurt the very heart of God, my Father.

When I was a little girl my Mum would say to me “Every time you sin, the thorns on Jesus’s head are dug in even header and blood rushes down his cheek”. When ever I did something wrong I often ran into my bedroom, knelt before my bed and cried out to Jesus “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Jesus, I didn’t want to hurt you” and felt remorse for my sins. As I am older I see the significance in that depiction. It really does hurt Jesus when he sees us committing sin, because it not only compromises the Gospel message and make Him look weak to the world, but it also hurts us. Because, when we sin, we fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)and ALL that He had planned for our lives.

When I got home from Church I decided to go straight to my room and set apart that time to seek Him and pray. I started writing a list of all the areas where I have previously sinned and fallen short and what I am going to do to fix it. I am not going to sit around with sinners and mockers, I am going to keep myself pure, I am going to stand up for what is right and what I believe in and pray more often. I am going to “GET SERIOUS about God”. For, we only live once and only have one opportunity to become ALL that we can be.

Much love, and blessings,

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